
Tarot Guru Disclosure of Limitations

A tarot reading from myself (or anyone for that matter) should never be used in place of professional advice. Any reading does not offer medical, legal, financial or business advice. If you are in need of guidance in these areas please seek professional advice from somebody licensed.

These readings, like all tarot readings, can only give you guidance on a spiritual level.

You are in charge of your ultimate choices and outcomes that result. I cannot (and don’t try) to tell you what to do. When it comes to the future, while there are perceivable tendencies in the present, the final outcome can never be 100% sure and anyone telling you they can predict it 100% simply can’t be.


We exercise reasonable diligence in keeping anything you say confidential. However, if we genuinely believe that disclosure might prevent harm to yourself, ourselves or others we reserve the right to do so.

‘Fortune Telling’

Depending on where you’re from a person may be guilty of fortune telling when they claim or pretend to have occult powers to answer questions or exercise spirits or curses.

Sometimes the Tarot is misunderstood (at best) and intentionally misused (at worst). I’ve said this before (and I’m sure I’ll say it again) anyone can use a deck of Tarot cards. You don’t need to be some mystic person blessed by some divine being. You should probably be wary of anyone who tells you they have esoteric skills.

The Tarot just requires practice. Lots of practice. Any and all readings from Tarot Guru neither pretends or purports to tell the future or use occult powers in contradiction with these laws. In jurisdictions, a tarot reader is required to disclose that readings are for entertainment purposes only. If such law applied to your reading you are on notice thereof.