What is The Lovers card trying to tell you in a Tarot reading? Is it a yes or a no? What else is it trying to tell you?
In a simple yes/no question, The Lovers card upright is a positive sign and a fairly firm yes but not yet a guarantee. When reversed there’s still potential but as things currently stand it’s a no. This Tarot card does offer guidance on how to improve your chances as well.
A major arcana like this is a good sign for a yes or no Tarot reading. The symbolism of the Lovers is obviously a great sign for questions around love and romance but it goes beyond that.
The Lovers is also the card for value, harmony and choices. Whatever your question was about, The Lovers can give you guidance and advice on how to move forward.
Does The Lovers Mean Yes or No?
As a major arcana card, The Lovers is generally a good sign in a spread or a single card reading. It’s not always a firm yes, depending on the position you draw it but, at worst, it’s going to give you guidance on how to reach your goal.
Note: Sometimes if you back the Tarot into giving a yes/no answer you might miss an opportunity to get the advice from the cards to make something happen. If you’d like a full spread with some advice take a moment with me and get a free Tarot reading.
Whether you drew the card upright or reversed is important.
Upright The Lovers as Yes/No
The upright Lovers is a universal yes. It’s a sign of positivity and encouragement regardless of whether your question is related to relationships or not – but especially if it is. If you were unsure about whether to go for something The Lovers is cheering you on to take a step forward. It’s a sign of encouragement and faith.
As a major arcana, if your question involves change and not just a continuation of the status quo it suggests some major movement. This yes might be entirely dependant on you having a little faith and taking a chance on yourself.
Reversed The Lovers as Yes/No
If you draw the card in a reversed position, things are a little different. It’s not a firm no but if things are left to continue – it’s a no.
The Lovers in a Tarot spread tells us you may have been blinded (or have willingly blinded yourself) to the truth of the matter. Perhaps letting your imagination lead you in the wrong direction.
As with any Tarot reading, the card’s goal isn’t just to deliver bad news but to lead you on to how you can improve things.
What Is The Lovers Card Trying to Tell You?
The obvious symbolism here is for harmony and relationships but this is also the card for choice and, as a major arcana, we’re not talking about small choice here.
It’s a strong sign for working with others (on both intellectual and emotional levels) and the harmony and alignment between them. It also lends itself well to follow your heart (in any area of your life) and reassessing your decisions to make sure you’re aligning your goals with your own interests in mind.
Don’t allow yourself to be waylaid by the wants of others if it doesn’t fit you. The Lovers is about connecting with your own higher self and not necessarily a third party.
Remember that the Tarot works best in combination with other cards. This allows us to go deeper into the real meanings rather than limiting ourselves to just one. The Lovers by itself can only tell us so much, for a more complete answer from the cards we should at least be using 3 cards.
Get a Complete Tarot Spread
Regardless of the result from The Lovers card, I don’t personally think that a yes/no Tarot spread is the best way to get guidance from the cards. Often you’re limiting the cards by boxing them into a corner like this.
If you want some deeper insight, take a few minutes to give me the details and I’ll do a free spread for you within a few hours.