
Job Interview Tarot Spread

A job interview Tarot spread can give you more than just insight into how a job interview has or will go. Tarot cards can help you understand the job position and the potential outcome of the job. Plus, give you advice on getting the job (as well as getting the most from it).

It can reveal:

  • Interview questions.
  • What they thought of you.
  • How you can make yourself stand out in the interview process.

I can do a job interview tarot spread for you or show you a couple of ways to do it yourself.

Free Job Interview Tarot Spread

If you’d like help, I can do a free Tarot reading on your behalf within an hour. Not just a couple of cards and their meanings but an actual spread to give you some insight into your professional and financial future.

Or, if you’d like to do the reading yourself, I have some suggestions on layouts and important cards to watch out for.

Step 1 of 8

  • This is NOT a generic automated tarot quiz. This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader.

    The reason we ask these questions is the more we understand about you the more accurate we can be. It'll only take a few moments.

Asking the Tarot About a Job Interview Outcome

You were suited, booted and ready for a new beginning. But how did the interview go? Who else are they talking to, what did they think of your answers, and how can you prepare for your new employer?

These tarot spreads can help you prepare for your previous interview or help you with the job search for a new company. The cards can unlock challenges, advice and help you further your career. Sometimes in ways, you didn’t expect.

Before starting a tarot reading, it’s important to be very clear on your question before drawing any cards. Write it down if you need to. You can follow my five card spread example or tailor it for your specific needs but keep it focused before you touch the deck.

How to Perform a Job Interview Tarot Spread

A Job Interview Tarot Spread Layout

If you’d rather do the spread yourself, this layout will give you a good starting point. I’d heavily suggest not loading the reading with too many questions at once, but you can change cards around if needed.

You can pull a clarifying card for further insight into the different positions, or I’ve included some related spreads at the bottom you can use to go deeper.

Card 1: Job Interview Answers

This card will work whether it’s a past or future interview. Insight into either the questions to come and where they’ll be focused or how they felt you responded to their questions.

It can be tempting to use this card solely for your job interviews, but the real strength and insight from the cards is from your ability to read the positions of the cards and how they relate to each other.

Card 2: Your Competition

Job Interview TarotWhat other job applicants are they talking to? Who are you competing against, and what do they have to offer? If you’re really paying attention, this card can help you understand how to gain an edge.

Knowing their strengths will help you understand how yours compare (and what you can do to improve your results).

Card 3: Your Strengths

The third card looks at what your true strengths are and what you have to offer a company. This is more than just you ‘worked hard’ in a previous role. It can help you express how you’ll bring positive change with your skills.

This is exactly the kind of thing they’re hoping to hear from you, and understanding your own strengths will help you show how you are uniquely qualified for the job.

Card 4: Challenges

No job is without its challenges; this card will reveal if you need to be prepared for any. Knowing what you’re going to face will help you be ready to face them head-on—both in the interview and in the job itself.

When you draw this card, make sure to think positively. Even if the job presents a challenge, there’s always an opportunity to learn and grow. Trust your intuition and take this as a chance for improvement, not a warning.

Card 5: Outcome of the Interview

The fifth card will help you prepare for the job or bring clarity to your job search. It should give you a strong indication of the outcome of an interview. Remember that this is not about a single card. The true meaning here very much depends on the cards in your spread so far.

Card 6: Advice

The final card can advise you on the interview process, the job search and the role itself. If you’ve already been to the interview, it can help you understand what else you can do to get them interested.

It might be that you message them, or maybe there’s some reading you can be doing about the company itself. This card can often unlock something if you’ve been stuck in the job search process for a while.

(Optional) Card 7: Clarifying Card

If you reach an answer, you can reflect on a specific card in the spread. You could choose to focus on a positive card or use the opportunity to gain some helpful insight into a difficult question.

Be very clear with yourself about what it is you’re trying to clarify before drawing a card.

Above all, trust your intuition when it comes to job interviews. A Tarot spread is a great way to prepare you for the job search journey ahead but remember that no single card will tell you what you need to know. Allow the entire reading to guide you.

Simple Three Cards Spread: Job Interview Outcome

I prefer using an entire 5-7 card reading, but if you want something quick and simple this three card tarot spread can give you a simple look at the outcome of a job interview.

It might give you confidence or help you to prepare, but if you do have the time, I’d suggest a full reading.

Important Cards for a Job Interview Tarot Spread

Job Interview Outcome Three Card Tarot Spread

Every card is important in a tarot spread (not just the major cards), but these are some of the main ones to look out for. The position of the card still matters (you can’t just ignore that), but these cards have more detailed advice for those interviewing.

The Ten of Pentacles

This card often indicates job security. It can suggest long-term success or stability and means you’re looking at a potentially long-term role. This can mean that the pay might not be what you were expecting to begin with, but it might be worth it in the long term.

The Sun

the sun tarotThe Sun always brings optimism and hope. It can indicate a job that will bring you joy and satisfaction. With this job, you’ll find it easy to balance your life between work and leisure. This can also be a very positive sign if you’re waiting to hear back.

The Three of Wands

This card suggests that good things are on their way and that you’re moving in the right direction. A generally positive sign in most positions of your spread.

Interestingly, this is also the card of oversea opportunities that might indicate potential travel in the job.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant is a card of traditional values. It might suggest job security but also that you will be part of a team and need to learn the rules first. There might be a culture you’re going to need to get used to.

Don’t let this make you nervous, however. It’s something to be aware of but a major arcana is still a good indication of a positive result.