Hello, iridescent soul,

Thank you for joining me in this reading. I hope it supports you as you open up new chapters of your life and guides you to overcome the trials and challenges that tend to accompany every new beginning.

Your energy field is bathed in the high vibe energy of incoming blessings! It’s as if the universe and the divine are opening up the floodgates of abundance and prosperity and showering you with the energy of fulfillment and accomplishment.

If you’ve been working on manifesting a dream, goal, or desire, then the high vibes coming your way are going to help support and guide your journey toward achieving your desired results.

I sense that you’ve been doing a lot of work to overcome the issues, obstacles, and challenges of the past. These blessings coming your way right now are a result of all the hard work you’ve done.

You may have felt alone, wronged, or even abandoned sometime in the past as you seemed to deal with issue after issue and obstacle after obstacle. But the universe and the divine were always there, by your side, trying to support and guide you so you’ll overcome those difficult frequencies.

Part of what was holding you back from overcoming those lower frequencies were some karmic ties to issues from your previous lifetimes but also some generational karmic issues.

Due to all the hard work you’ve done, you managed to grow and evolve on an emotional, spiritual, and professional level. You’ve developed and transmuted your energy into higher frequencies where the karmic ties can’t gain such a grip on you as they did before.

People around you might feel like luck is finally on your side. It may seem like opportunities are finally coming your way and you could seem to catch lucky breaks here, there, and even everywhere.

But the luck coming your way means in fact blessings you’ve worked very hard to harmonize with. They are not random lucky breaks, but hard-earned results.

This higher frequency of energy can be a wonderful basis on which you can build new chapters of your life in any or all areas you feel so inclined or called to. By opening these new doors, you’ll leave behind some of the settings, situations, and even connections you’ve been dealing with.

By moving on, some of the issues of the past could seem to come to a final resolution. Situations, environments, and relationships you’ve outgrown will naturally drift away from your energy field as you make progress toward new horizons.

The distance to some of these aspects of your past can help you shift your perception of them. It can help you reach some conclusions about the role that you were meant to play in some situations and the roles those situations were meant to play in your own human experience.

Some of the situations you dealt with were painful, frustrating, overwhelming, or exhausting. Now that you’re putting some distance between yourself and those situations, it can become easier to let go of their presence in your life and of the feelings they elicited from you.

By moving on from these experiences or events, you support your healing and growth journey. Releasing the negative energy that was connected to those situations or the lower vibes it generated within your own soul is part of the healing process.

This is a time when you can achieve a quantum leap of ascension. The powerful effect of releasing those previous chapters of your life can activate amazing new frequencies for your present and future.

The intense energy of transformation you’re generating can also involve some triggering energies. In a way, the fact they show up is a confirmation that you’re finally letting go of those vibes with this final release.

You’re getting a wonderful opportunity to face some of your deepest fears and grow beyond them for good. That’s never an easy process, but it is a very rewarding endeavor once you get to the end of it or at least have the end in sight.

As you navigate through these stages of growth, you’re making room for a lot of energy upgrades and blessings that can touch on many if not all areas of your life. As these new frequencies start to settle into your life, you may notice and find out others are noticing that you’re going through a glow-up that makes you shine very brightly from the inside out.

New opportunities will be coming your way, giving you the chance to almost reinvent yourself if that’s what you want to go for. With the new clarity and deeper level of understanding of yourself and others, you can make the most of these opportunities in new and surprising ways.

Getting to this point hasn’t been easy at all. The universe and the divine are very aware of all of your efforts and hard work. That’s precisely why they’ll shower you with the blessings you’ve worked so hard for.

Open up your heart to receive these blessings and the higher vibe energy upgrades coming your way. It’s a great time to focus on centering yourself in your inner balance and do regular energy cleansings however you feel called to do them.

The more you focus on grounding and cleansing your energy, the smoother the adjustment process will be as you settle into the new vibes and they settle into your soul.

Join me in the extended reading, where we’ll take a look at how you can best adjust to the energy of new beginnings and how you can overcome any trials and challenges that may come your way.

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Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed this reading.

Blessings ❤
