Hello, iridescent soul,

Thank you for joining me in this reading. I hope it helps you to tap into your intuitive insight and fuel the beginning of wonderful new chapters in your life.

I sense a strong energy of learning and growing in your aura. You’ve been inspired and motivated to find out more about those areas of spirituality that you feel called to.

You might find that some new psychic skills might be activated. Or you can receive powerful energy upgrades for the psychic skills you’re already using. With these new or sharper skills, you can also gain a new perspective on the world around you, yourself, and what a spiritual practice entails and truly means.

That’s a lot of information and it can be overwhelming to receive it or deal with it in one go. It can lead to feeling slightly triggered, but it’s important you remind yourself to flow with the energy rather than trying to control it.

It becomes clearer and clearer that in order to make the progress you’re yearning for, you need to release something or someone.

The time has come to stop daydreaming about what might happen in a situation. Look at things as they are, not as you might want or like them to be, and reach your conclusions going from there.

You can always manifest a different outcome. But it’s important you perceive things right in the initial situation so you can adjust your frequency to the desired outcome and the existing 3D reality.

The more you venture into the realm of spirituality, the more interested or attracted you become. You get the chance to connect with sources of information, wisdom, and guidance which are very special.

The new layers of practical information, insight, and personal power are your tools to transform and transmute the energy of your 3D reality.

Due to all the work you’ve put in so far in order to grow and evolve, you have many blessings coming your way. It’s up to you to decide how you want to transmute that energy and into what you decide to transform it.

Your solar plexus chakra is receiving numerous energy upgrades. It’s raising your frequency and boosting your manifestation power as well as your awareness of your self-worth and abilities.

As your confidence grows, you’ll notice more people will gravitate toward you to ask for your advice, support, and guidance. Your energy is projecting you on a path toward more roles of leadership.

Follow your intuition in taking on any of these roles, hopes, or expectations. If you feel pressured, remind yourself this is not a race. You have your own path, and it’s waiting for you until you’re ready to step forward.

As your solar plexus chakra loads with energy, your entire energetic body is activated by new frequencies. It’s an excellent time to focus on a spiritual hygiene practice using the methods that you feel called to. Try spiritual salt baths, crystals, essential oils, or smudging.

What’s important is that you cleanse your body and protect your energy as you feel called to. Try one or more methods at once, depending on what your intuition tells you to do.

Your third eye chakra and crown chakra are very receptive to spiritual messages and insight. Keep a notebook by your bed, so you can write down the information you get during your dreams and astral travels.

You might find it a bit tougher to decode the messages and insights you receive during your dreams and astral travels. Don’t worry about it. Just ask your spiritual team for support and guidance in interpreting and decoding the information you receive.

By working on sharpening your perception and studying to enrich your library of symbols and references, you become a higher vibe version of yourself. The quality of your spiritual reception is going to improve too.

You might worry about how to put into practice the insight you’re receiving. You’re very likely to receive that information as well, maybe later on. The pieces of the puzzle are going to come together and form the picture of your future self.

Step by step, the insight you’re getting is going to make sense along with all the steps to take in order to allow the energy to blossom. But if you’re not sure what to do, don’t rush to do things just to be doing something.

This is a process of growth and development. It’s meant to be uncomfortable and make you question yourself, your hopes, dreams, and motivation.

Once the clarity sets in, don’t hesitate to follow your gut feeling. Act the way you feel called to and direct your attention to where you’re meant to get. People around you might be surprised by your sudden take-charge attitude.

It’s not sudden, though. You’ll be growing and evolving constantly as long as you put in the effort. By the end of this growth process, you might be almost unrecognizable to some of the people around.

In the extended reading, we’re going to take a look at how you can manage these energies in order to manifest your hopes and dreams and make the most of this favorable wave of energy coming your way. Hopefully, you’ll join me in exploring the deeper layers of this message.

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Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed this reading.

Blessings ❤
