Hello, iridescent soul,

Thank you for joining me in this reading. I hope it helps you realize that you’re manifesting huge energy transmutations and upgrading your destiny blueprint.

You’ve been dealing with a lot of heavy energy, dear soul. I can sense the fatigue in your aura, the distress of the process reaching deep down to the very core of your soul.

The low-vibe people, connections, and experiences you’ve had to deal with still weigh heavily on your soul. Some of that baggage comes from your previous lifetimes. This karmic baggage, along with the difficulties you’ve had to face during this lifetime, is holding you back from making the progress you yearn for.

You have the amazing power to transmute the energy that marks your destiny! You may not realize this right now, though. You’re dealing with so much heavy energy that it can cloud your judgment and perception of the people, situations, and relationships in your life, and also of yourself.

There’s a deeper layer to the experiences you’ve gone through. Deep down, you know that to be true. There are some connections and experiences that came your way to show you that you’ve accumulated too much toxicity in your energy field.

Because you’re such a kind and empathic soul, you vibrate at the frequency of everything and everyone that’s around you. Your loving, giving, kind heart yearns to make connections. That’s why you might have developed some attachments where you shouldn’t have.

You’ve adjusted to the people, situations, and connections that came your way. In part, that’s due to your soul’s deep wisdom. You can’t change the people or situations around you. Many lifetimes of trying to do that might have brought you to this realization.

In that sense, you have to learn to flow with the energy as it is in the settings, situations, and people around you. But that doesn’t mean you have to enable anyone’s toxicity.

So while it’s true that you can’t change the toxic elements outside of your energy, you can choose to stop enabling them and stop giving them access to your energy.

In some cases, that might mean you have to let go of some ties, people, or situations that you’ve grown very attached to. Unfortunately, that also introduced a hefty toxic vibe within your aura and created a sense of normalcy around low-vibe things.

Look deep within and embrace the truth that’s always been in there. You know the time has come to release these low vibes from your life. Don’t allow them to guilt trip you into indulging into their low vibes any longer.

When they’re ready to grow and evolve, you can always be right there for them to connect with. But choose to do so on the right vibe and on your own spiritually enlightened terms.

There’s a lot of growth and development that can be achieved as a result of doing this brave self-exploration now. The shadows of the toxicity you’ve had to deal with are an amazing opportunity for healing and evolving.

Remember that there’s no shaming or blaming in looking deeply within. Simply observe the energies at play, make note of them, and explore their roots. Focus on not judging anyone in this process, yourself included.

Due to your amazing power to transmute the energies that mark your destiny, you can manifest miraculous changes in your own destiny and also in the destiny of others. But in order to do that to your full ability, you have to first understand, feel, and release the starting point of the transmutation process.

It’s normal to run into some feelings of fear, anxiety even, or doubt as you go about this process. When you do, remind yourself that you’re opening doors of possibilities, not forcing anything on anyone.

Don’t doubt your wonderful gift and the beautiful opportunity you can give yourself and others to access higher levels of ascension. This is part of your sacred mission in the 3D reality. Embrace it and allow your soul to shine its amazing light into the world as it was always meant to.

The more you embrace your calling and do the work your soul yearns to do, the more secure and light-hearted you’ll feel. All of that pressure you’ve probably been feeling for most of your life is going to start easing off.

As you take more steps on this path, be forgiving and self-loving, first and foremost. By practicing that, you’ll be forgiving and loving to everyone and everything else as well. You’re shining a light on the place you and others are and illuminating the path ahead in terms of opportunities and potential.

Where each soul chooses to go is not your responsibility, though. You’re only responsible for your own actions and decisions. By allowing yourself to see the potential way ahead and showing others, you only put the opportunities on the table. It’s up to each soul to choose and re-confirm their destiny.

None of this process is going to feel comfortable, but that’s normal. It’s not meant to feel comfortable. Growth is not about comfort, but stepping out of your comfort zone. It challenges and sometimes maybe even intimidates you for a second.

Take a deep breath and ground your energy, whenever you’re in doubt. Help your energy flow freely and open up to the support and guidance of your spiritual team whenever you start to feel overwhelmed or unsure.

Due to the powerful energy work your soul is constantly doing, it’s also important to do regular cleansings. Use whatever calls to you, crystals, essential oils, spiritual baths, meditation, affirmations, subliminals, whatever method you feel you vibe with at that particular point in time.

In the extended reading, we’ll take a deeper look at how this amazing process can go and what new and wonderful opportunities might be coming your way. Hopefully, you’ll join me in exploring how to best navigate the exciting new chapters that you can start for yourself and others.

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Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed this reading.

Blessings ❤
